Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cubicle decorating

I have started my internship for the summer and part of the fun of having my first office job is decorating my cubicle. I found a picture of Audrey Hepburn and the Eifel tower at Icings for about $8. I got the orchid at OSH for about $10. The best thing about OSH is that if the plant dies, you can bring it back. I've never had a plant of my own so hopefully I don't kill it. My coffee mug is from home but it adds that "cozy office" feeling. I found pink sriped binder clips at Wal Mart for $3 and the purple mouse pad came with the cube. I brought in my pink flower magnets to put on the filing cabinet. I need to decorate the other side of the cubicle now because all the decorations are on the side with my computer. The job itself is really good.

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