Monday, April 18, 2011

iPad 2!

Yes, it's true.  My company is buying me an iPad 2.  I'm so excited!  The $700 expense is not mine to bear!  Delivery is scheduled for 5/11.  I am counting down the days.  I plan on receiving the following benefits:
  1. I'll look cool
  2. Won't have to take my work laptop home every single night - my handbag and shoulder is looking forward to this!
  3. In this same vein of thought - Martha Stewart magazines are all available at the iTunes store!  No more lugging my 12 different magazines! 
  4. I'll be able to access work applications from the convenience of my tablet. 
  5. I'll get to play with FaceTime technology
  6. Did I mention I'll (finally) be cool? 

In case you're wondering, I got the white one and bought a pink cover for it.  :-)  

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