Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mission Peak

This first weekend of June, the Sister Pants ventured out to hike Mission Peak in Fremont. We left early in the morning to avoid the heat of June. This was my first excursion to the top, which has been long rumored as an intense hike. It is very smart to bring a large water bottle with you and snacks to eat at the top. I carried my water bottle in my hand for a good portion of the hike which was probably a mistake since my arm is now sore the day after. Frequent trips to the gym this week paid off when we completed the entire hike in about 3 hours. While we were climbing, we saw all sorts of critters like lizards, giant beetles, cows, a rabbit, and a ground squirrel. It is important to be cautious and not pet the cows as they have been known to charge at hikers. Reaching the top was such a great feeling, and we captured the moment with the famous picture beside the pole at the top of the mountain. The best part of the hike was having so much time just to talk about life with my best sister.

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