I was scrolling through my facebook feed today when I saw one of the most offensive posts I've seen in a long time. Posted by a Christian woman, was a link to a blog about modesty. The title of the post is "how can you be a lady without being modest?" the essence of this post referred to Matthew 5:28 "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."
The blog post took the blame of this "adultery in his heart" and placed it on the woman. If the woman hadn't been wearing that short skirt, maybe the man would have been able to control himself. The thought here is that women are responsible for the sins of men. This is the same thought process that blames rape victims for their own rape. "If she hadn't been dressed that way, then he wouldn't have raped her." Am I the only one who believes that people are accountable for their own actions and intentions of their heart?
A related thought also came up in conversation today. The thought is that women who dress immodestly intend to attract attention from men. Personally, I dress in what I like to wear. I don't get dressed with random male strangers in mind. If my body looks good in a short dress, why shouldn't I wear a short dress? Do I really need to censor my clothing choices based on how men may react? And furthermore, if a woman's attire attracts attention from men, she is not therefore responsible for his actions.