The word "superfood" has been banned in my house because my hubby is sick of
hearing about all the AMAZING health benefits of a certain collection of foods
outlined in my new favorite book, "The Drop 10 Diet."
To say the book and
the nutrition principles in it have changed my life may be a slight
exaggeration, but in a lot of ways it really has! I typically spend a couple hours every
weekend pouring over the list of superfoods and the recipes the book provides
and I plan out my week's menu. The
result is that (combined with the suggested workouts) I really have lost 10
pounds AND I feel healthy, energized, and strong.
I think the biggest
lesson I've taken away from my new diet is the importance of protein. The superfoods are loaded with protein far
higher than I've ever included in my diet before. It's basically eliminated what I call
"hunger bitch" - defined as that time when your blood sugar drops
abruptly and you suddenly realize you need food NOW and everything in your way
is a mortal enemy. Because of the whole
grains and protein I find that hunger comes on slowly. Sometimes I even need to remind myself when
it's time to eat lunch.
There are a ton of
other benefits that I've noticed but by now you're probably bored of reading
about them just like the hubs is sick of hearing about them. :-)
But if you're interested you should buy the book. (Sorry, you can't borrow mine- I still use it
as my recipe book.)
Let me know your own
diet/nutrition success story if you have one or other books I should check